Sunday, 2 January 2011

Aeon Guild @ Twitter

Just spent my day messing around with the guild's Twitter feed layout today!
After I was shown the initial page with the Aeon portrait slapped the background, it made me grimace, it was awful.. I commented on it and Hrad said 'Well you fix it then!' or something to that effect anyway.. I didn't think I'd have time honestly and I don't use twitter. But I felt like a break from working on Tomorrow's Winter and well.. the result was satisfactory to say the least! A preview;

Click for Fullview.
So get following Aeon Guild
on Twitter!


  1. I've been trying to upload the new (and awesome) background to twitter for ages now, but it's overcapacity it seems ... >>

  2. If you're failing to do it just jab me and I'm sure I can do if for you *rolls eyes* ;D

  3. Okay, I fixed the colours as well. Tyvm for the layout ;)
