Tuesday, 15 February 2011

SHOUTOUT: Thanks un-named hero!

It has taken me -AGES- to reach exalted status with the Ramkahen, I always forget to put my tabard on in heroic dungeons.
Every 1/10 runs I will remember at the last boss.
So you do the math, it's not a lot of rep.
Luckily I finally managed to get exalted last night after Akaize, Zaifon, Corog and I ran a good few heroics last night. Hooray! finally an epic necklace [Gift of Nadun]

But I would like to dedicate this post to the un-named hero who saved me forgetting my tabard in a Grim Batol run.
We queued for a random heroic and got into an in-progress run, they were on Drahga Shadowburner. Obviously it was a fail group, broken up because someone sucked. There was only a healer druid and a shoddy dps shadow priest left in the group. As I was waiting for the two puggers to run back my eyes were drawn to a corpse on the floor and i went over to check it out.
Upon hovering over the dead body of a male blood elf, no name appeared.
But he was wearing the tabard of the Ramkahen! Immediately it reminded me to put my own on.
Thank you for saving me from another rep-less heroic oh un-named one!
This post is dedicated to you.

As for the pug, the shadow-priest did about 5k dps, and the druid afk'd when the elementals spawned and were attached to him, blowing up the whole group. He was swiftly kicked.

Furthermore, last night heroics where, somewhat eventful.
I think we had completed two runs or so with the lovely Corog, who was briefly my boyfriend last night although since he didn't get me a Valentine's gift I presume our relationship has been terminated.
But back to the tale at hand, we got a mage in our Stonecore group named 'Grinch'.
He was mostly afk, died on the first boss, had to go afk before the second for 5.
After killing the second boss we cleared the trash and got ready for Ozruk.
The mage then again exclaimed 'NEED TO GO AFK' At this point we were definitely thinking 'Okay it's about time for a kick.' but he continued to say 'My 5 sons just woke up'. Not quite in that manner, I struggle to recall the actual quote.
Akaize replied with 'It's cool man, 5 sons, that deserves respect!' I think at the time we just believe he had written it poorly and was meant to say '5, sons just woke up' like, as in he would need 5 mins.
Anyway we carried on, killed Ozruk as 4 and cleared the trash to the last boss, the whole time making rather stupid jokes such about these '5 sons' I commented that it was sad thing, When his sons get old enough to play warcraft there wont be any room in their heroic groups for dad, they'd have a guild called <Dads still pugging>. Akaize went on to decide the names of all the children later on too.
Anyway as we reached the last boss the mage came back and exclaimed 'OMG GUYS YOU ACTUALLY WAITED FOR ME? THANKS :D' Akaize said 'Of course we did!' and continued to praise the guy on having 5 sons.
The mage then claimed to have 1 daughter too. Zaifon said 'Wouldn't it be funny to kick him now, he is a bit too pleased to be in a group with us' and Akaize swiftly replied with a fullcaps of 'DON'T YOU DARE!'.
The last boss went down, somehow I managed not to die to flying rocks.
Instance over, ..why haven't you re queued Zaifon? 'I'm waiting for the mage to leave'
I don't think he is leaving..
He didn't, we re queued, got the Throne of tides where in which I took this delightful group photo for all you readers.

Whilst on the last boss I said 'I only need one more run for Exalted!' and Akaize said he needed another run for rep too, The mage cried ' Let's do Rep runs all night!' Zaifon commented about how he enjoyed being in a group with us a bit too much, yet again.
However once the boss was down the mage said his farewells and left. Quite unexpected.

I KNOW THE STORY WASN'T VERY INTERESTING BUT IT WAS FUNNIER AT THE TIME. Honestly I'm pretty tried from herbing last night, So I can't retell the story more vividly.
Sorry guys, boring blog is boring!

As a Valentines Gift from Zaifon I got [Vial of the Sands] Ah, he knows me well I have expensive tastes! Although he had me facepalming as he kept repeating the joke of 'Now I can ride on Lina' almost as If i didn't hear the joke the first time, because I refused to laugh.
You can see the mount in all it's glory on the side up there because it is the screenshot of the week!

And I am slowly but surely still making my way towards Insane, Herbing every night is very, very dull.
It takes about 5 hours to fill the bags, from that I get around 25 cards average, and then in most cases 1 card I don't already have. Slow and boring process, yet it has to be done.
Praises to my trooper rogue!

1 comment:

  1. Just sayin', I really enjoy reading your blog, PLUS EVERYTHING IS SO PURDY.

    Herbing is so damn annoying...
