Wednesday, 6 April 2011


So why haven't I been updating as of late?
Well the answer is simple, I've had nothing really to talk about.

I haven't really been playing WoW much recently as our raids keep getting canceled due to lack of sign-ups, it's that time when everyone has gone on a break, the current content has gotten boring and the guild, as a result, is struggling.
 Of course WingIt has still been running the mandatory raids such as Black Temple and Tempest Keep. But nothing noteworthy has dropped, and I didn't see much point in posting literally just to say "Nothing dropped this week, lame." 'Cause honestly it's going to be that way every week for a long time!

So Aeon hasn't made any boss progress for a good month or so now.
I guess I should take this opportunity to say; If YOU think you have what it takes to be in a guild who aims to progress at a good fast rate, and can afford to raid at least 3 times a week, then please by all means don't hesitate to apply to us!
You can apply at the website, all details should be there, for any extra info you can reply to this post :)

Other than this, I had a lot of complications with ordering my laptop, the company was just fail at processing orders, I had to spend a week on the phone to them and to my bank to sort out how they had managed to mess up the order, so it took a while to receive the machine but oh what a beauty it is.
And the best thing about it, is it glows pink.

It runs beautifully I've had no issues with it what-so-ever, and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is as crazy about eye candy and graphics as I am.
I am currently running Warcraft with DirectX11, and it looks fantastic, I did not even anticipate that it would look this good, Or run this smoothly! I think it's safe to say I'm really pleased with it. :)

With a computer that can support such high graphic quality I eventually gave in to Akaize's pleas and bought Rift. I tried it in the Beta but my old laptop didn't handle the graphics well at all and it looked terrible. For me the graphics in a game are usually the decider on whether I will continue to play and even enjoy the game so Rift was quite a let down to me, but I also was well aware I needed a better computer in order to appreciate what the game had to offer.
I am indeed enjoying the game, but it's definitely not going to replace WoW for me, it is fun but I don't see myself playing it long-term, I think it's just nice to have a change from the norm, especially when WoW is so dull at the moment.
Feel free to poke me in-game if you play! My name is Nysith and I'm Defiant on the Argent Server (eu) ^^

I've also been working on a bit of artwork, I've done some stuff for friends of their anime/manga club mascot thing, you can preview it here. I've still got a lot of work to do on it but it's getting there.

And for all you Aeon'ers I will show a preview of something I've had in the works a while..
A Roster image, which will be easily editable to add/remove people as they join and leave, It's only for raiders right now as our guild has expanded so much since the launch of Cataclysm and with deep regret I have not been able to include people such as Zeru or Hrad in it :(

The piece at hand however is on hold as our guild is being jumbled around so much right now, people switching mains, switching ranks, new people joining, people who are listed in the roster not even being in the guild such as Cladoxa and Zerendor.
I don't want to spend ages working on people who might not even be in the roster the next day, So waiting for the whole situation to just calm down before picking it back up and continuing.
So far it's just basic 3d models and a layout, I've not done any customization as of yet :)
If you have any idea or input for the design please leave a comment!

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