Monday, 2 May 2011

It's Just Insane

So yes I know, Again I've been slacking, Not a lot to update on because I really don't do anything I believe is interesting to post about.
So yes I did as any human might and started to just put filler material up on the blog and for the single person, or maybe even few people that got irritated by that I have fixed it /sagely nod.
I will try hard to keep my shit off here, but hey at the end of the day Lina is me, so yes whatever the hell I'm doing IRL might well come into my blog posts, but No.. I won't post pictures of ponies anymore - Much to your relief!

Right, Moving on.
So yesterday we got Guild level 25! Congratulations to Aeon, I am pretty sure the vast majority of us all purchased a Scorpion mount, They are pretty scary looking!
Would've asked everyone to all meet on the scorpion mounts but.. actually just, just no.
No desirable picture to show, but we have been making huge progress on Nefarian HC, we should down him soon!

Secondly, finally popped that Insane in the Membrane achievement. It was only Darkmoon Faire left that I needed since Wotlk but since I would actually have to do a ton of herbing, I procrastinated, for a long, long time.
But Zaifon said to me 'DMF is in 2 weeks, let's grind and get this shit finished'.
So we did.

42 decks in just less than 2 weeks we accomplished, It made us both think, why didn't we just get on and do it before! I'm still 3 decks away from being full exalted but the achievement is in the bag I'll just camp the AH until I find the last few cards I need to complete a deck rather than herbing ;(
I have fraps'd a large majority of all the farming and such so I intend to make a small video about it, that should be up in a couple of weeks as I've got to learn how to work sony vegas ;o
For now here is the simple achievement score shot, and I'm glad it's finally done.

Whilst we're on the subject of my reputations, I only have Og'rila, the Defilers and Warsong Outriders to yet get exalted, then I have all the possible ones to get at one time ^^
(Bar maybe the Bloodsail..but fuu- I'm not going back to change that)

No glaives, phoenix or any such rare items to report.
Did complete both Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub on release, I quite enjoyed ZG because it was all a little new, but ZA bored me to hell and back, and now I hate both of them despite only having been to them like 3 times each. The conclusion being I obviously went to the old instances far to much, recently.
So dull.. Here's a screenshot of my first group to ZA though, we smiled back then.

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