Saturday, 8 January 2011

Personal World Destroyer: Obtained!

The [Personal World Destroyer] pet is exclusively created by Goblin Engineers. However the pet is BoE so obtainable by anyone once crafted. The mats to craft the pet consist of the following: [Obsidium Bar] x10, [Handful of Obsidium Bolts] x8, [Electrified Ether] x8. The mats aren't too bad! Time to create myself a brand spanking new pet- Owait what's that? "I'M A GNOMISH ENGINEER!" Blast! Well it's fine, I'll get my boyfriend Zaifon to create it for me :D
"What's that Zaifon? You dropped your engineering to level skinning for the guild?! Gah!"
So I had to turn to my slacking friend Hrad to craft the pet for me. Zaifon supplied him with the mats but I still had to wait a while for this pet >:[ So I think overall, the hardest part about obtaining this little guy was the waiting game, to which I usually lose, very, very fast.
And for your viewing pleasure I did indeed venture all the way into Tempest Keep to grab this screenie with the Personal World Destroyer's older brother, Void Reaver.
Click for Fullview


  1. I didn't know this is what they look like. Now I need to make one for myself!

  2. Should of made you a personal vagina destroyer...o wait you already have one. Dirty chicken lover.
